Healing Practice
Christian Science healing begins with love, a deep love for God and man on the part of the practitioner. The healing work is redemptive, compassionate, and thorough because Christian Science treatment is the utilization of the law of God to ameliorate human suffering and bring freedom.

My connection with Christian Science began as a youngster.
I was born with severe eczema which none of the physicians my parents engaged could cure. But I was healed overnight through Christian Science and a child’s faith in the goodness of God. This made me an eager student and, in the process of my own journey of discovery, I learned how to heal others.
I’ve been working professionally as a Christian Science practitioner for nearly 30 years. That means I devote my full time to prayer on behalf of humanity and individual patients. People contact me over the phone, the internet, and by mail. Every day is filled with goodness and blessings as I see God’s love and law in action through Christian Science, bringing healing and peace to the hungry heart.