Class Instruction

Do you want to learn how to pray and heal more effectively? Then you might consider Primary class instruction. This year’s class begins August 9, 2025 and concludes August 20, 2025. Class instruction is a precious experience and can only be taken once. If you’re studying, valuing, and relying on Christian Science for healing, class instruction is the next logical step and shouldn’t be unduly postponed. God leads us to this desire, and trusting His leading, the way will open for its successful completion.


God leads us to this desire, and trusting His leading,
the way will open for its successful completion.

Class consists of twelve days of lessons focused on the chapter “Recapitulation” in Science and Health. It is a joyous time of spiritual growth, but demanding of attention and completion of assignments, so students should be free from outside commitments during the two weeks of class. Class instruction enables the student to effectively demonstrate and prove the laws of healing in his own life, and on behalf of others.

All class teaching is conducted under the authority of the Manual of The Mother Church. The provisions for teacher and student may be found in the Manual on pages 83 through 87. Class tuition is $100. Upon completion, one automatically becomes a member of the pupils’ Association. The Association meets yearly to continue deepening and improving the student’s practice of Christian Science healing.

I’d be happy to talk with you if you have questions about class instruction. There is no charge for an office appointment to discuss class. You may contact me by phone or email. Those who live out of the area or overseas can reach me using WhatsApp.