About Manya
I’m Manya Kaseroff-Smith, a Christian Science practitioner and authorized teacher of Christian Science. I live in Sonoma, California, a city above San Francisco, but my work is international in scope. And what is my work? Very simply, it’s healing.
About Christian Science
Christian Science and Christian Science practitioners have been helping humanity spiritually, prayerfully, for over 140 years, since Mary Baker Eddy discovered the principle underlying Jesus’ healing works. What kind of cases come for healing? Everything from broken hearts to business and financial challenges, diseases and physical conditions. I’ve been working professionally as a practitioner since 1982 when I was listed in the Christian Science Journal, the official directory of all authorized practitioners and teachers.
Browse through my website. You’ll find information on healing, how to reach me, my fees, and on the yearly class I teach. You can also learn more about Christian Science and its publications.
Mary Baker Eddy
It was Mary Baker Eddy who discovered Christian Science in 1866.Since her discovery, people all over the world and in various circumstances have found their way to Christian Science and been blessed with health restored, safety, and challenging personal and business difficulties healed. If you’d like to learn more or have questions about Christian Science healing, I’d be happy to talk to you.